Bridging Divides2025-01-04T03:41:06+00:00

Bridging Divides

Why is American politics so divisive? How can we talk across differences without becoming enemies? What can I do to bridge the political divide?

If you have ever asked yourself one of these questions, we want to help!

Get Oriented

The country feels so divided.

How did we get here and why?

Why We Are Stuck – The attraction of a polarized America

3 Causes of Polarization

Why Has America Become So Divided?

Are we as divided as we think?

Can we break the cycle?

Can Conversation Help Heal the Political Divide?

How do we talk across differences without becoming enemies?

Braver Angels

The Rotarian Putting civility back into civil discourse

Further reading:

The Rotarian May 2019 – The Four-Way Test in a post-truth era

Taking Action Now

Next Steps

  • Talk across the aisle with people about the impacts of corruption in democracy!
  • Cultivate a diversity of opinions in your newsfeed to gain new perspectives!
  • Host a Democracy in a Box conversation on bridging divides! (Email to set one up.)